Sunday 2 February 2014

Chicken Soup

First Order of business after having set up shop in my tiniest kitchen ever, was to brave the Super Bowl Shopping Crowd in Trader Joe's and getting myself a pack of chicken legs (I prefer organic but it is the start of the month, the end may look a little different) to make my version of Mama's home made dish. ;)

With the cold in NYC at the moment being so ridiculous, I was craving this recipe to warm me up.

So Sunday being my free day I tried out the hobs. It takes a little longer than on the gas-hobs I am used to, but it's still perfectly doable; though it made me realize I'm missing a ladle still. You can just sit back and watch TV, do any left over work or read and it will be done in no time.

It also freezes great! I get up to five portions out of it but I suppose I don't eat that much, so let's say 4 ;)
Just freeze the chicken and the broth it's in separately, put in pot to re-heat and then add fresh/frozen vegetables once it's melted.


  • 2 whole chicken legs 
  • water
  • vegetable broth (I use powder but stock is even better)
  • vegetable medley (my fav: cauliflower,broccoli and carrots but whatever you love)
  • (More wholesome Option: noodles) 

How to?
  1. I literally fill the pot with water (about a third) then throw in the chicken legs and let it cook for about quarter of an hour (more if the chicken is frozen of course) 
  2. I then take out the legs one by one and cut the meat of the bone (I also get rid of the skin because I don't like cooked chicken skin; it comes off easy enough, just pull it off) - this is also a great way of knowing if the meat is done, because you won't have to do a lot, the meat will almost fall off the bone. Cut it into small bite-size pieces
  3. Get rid of the bones and throw the meat back into the by now flavorful broth. Add vegetables and let the whole thing simmer for about five more minutes depending how much bite you want the broccoli and carrots to have. 
That's it! It's totally home made, nothing big you gotta do and cooked in advance gives you a great wholesome dinner with or without noodles. I pretty much live off this in this kind of weather. 

Saturday 1 February 2014

Cooking in the Tiniest Kitchen ever - A Traveller's lot

I moved into this studio apartment last week. I have lived in many places, but so far have always managed to have something at least resembling a real size kitchen. Because of how the world works nowadays, I guess I will have to get used to this more than I would like. It still seems that the surrounding circumstances have not caught up (thank you very much separate phone numbers for every country that I have to remember!)

People travel due to studies and job much more than they used to and so there are more and more (more or less) improvised studio apartments that come onto a demanding market. After all if you offer a studio you can take a lot more money than if it's just a room in a shared house/apartment.
Every second Ad I see for studio apartments are with no real 'kitchen' to speak of. Sometimes there aren't even the electric hobs I have but JUST a microwave. The Horror!

Anyway, I decided to explore the possibilities and that is the purpose of this blog. I had to go and buy a pot and a frying pan because though I was provided with everything apparently people don't actually expect you to cook on these hobs.

We'll see how much I can actually cook in the tiniest kitchen ever. I've got five months to find out...